Sound Level Meters

BSWA 309 Class 1 sound level meter Comply with IEC 61672-1:2013, ANSI S1.4-1983 and ANSI S1.43-1997 Real-time 1/1 and 1/3 Octave in accordance with IEC61260-1:2014 and ANSI S1.11-2004 Read MoreEnquiry Now BSWA 308 Class 2 sound level meter Comply with IEC 61672-1:2013, ANSI S1.4-1983 and ANSI S1.43-1997 1/1 Octave in accordance with IEC61260-1:2014 and ANSI S1.11-2004 Read MoreEnquiry Now   […]

Outdoor Noise Monitoring

Hardware Terminal Outdoor Noise Monitoring Terminal NMT1000 is a powerful, intelligent noise monitoring terminal, optimized for outdoor use. NMT 1000 is a Hyper-Integrated noise monitor system that can be left unattended as part of an environmental noise monitoring system for mobile, permanent and semi-permanent monitoring. Read MoreEnquiry Now   Software VA-LAB Outdoor Software Bird 1.0 for terminal NMT-1000 is used […]

Sound Sources

OS003 Omni Sound Source OS003 is the latest development of omnidirectional sound source of BSWA. The sound source has 12 rubidium magnet loudspeakers assemble on a 280mm diameter sphere evenly. Application: Building acoustic measurement according to ISO 140, ISO 3382 and GB/T 19889 Read MoreEnquiry Now   Tapping Machine TM003 Tapping Machine is a rugged, self-contained sound source for making […]


Microphone Capsules Prepolarized Free Field Microphones Pressure & Diffuse Field Microphones 200V Polarized Capsule Microphones Read MoreEnquiry Now   Outdoor Microphones Outdoor microphones are for outdoor uses such as the outdoor acoustic measurement or community and traffic noises monitoring. BSWA outdoor microphones are fitted with a windscreen, a rain protection and a bird spike to protect them from wind, rain, […]

Calibrators & Accessories

Calibrators Sound Calibrator CA114/115 Sound Calibrator CA111 Read MoreEnquiry Now   Adaptors Nose Cone NC002 Microphone Fixing Connector FC002 Dummy Microphone M001 Microphone Adaptor for Preamplifier-TA042 Read MoreEnquiry Now   Cables CLS8nn / CLL7nn / CSBnnn / CSSnnn / CUBnnn / CBBnnn / CUUnnn Read MoreEnquiry Now   Windscreens Windowscreen-WS002-3 Windowscreen-WS002-5 Windowscreen-WS002-9 Microphone Adaptor for Preamplifier-TA042 Read MoreEnquiry Now