With advances in mobile phones and communication, a major shift is occurring in the measurement of noise and vibration. So called “smart” phones contain MEMS (micro electro mechanical services) microphones and accelerators. The standard of these devices is now such that they can be effectively used for standard noise and vibration assessments, at what is a fraction of the price of conventional noise and vibration equipment. This opens up a new era in the way we can monitor noise. Using this technology Palmer Acoustics is now able to offer noise logging systems with Type 2 accuracy at $15/day (7 days logging max) with loggers using solar power, Wi-Fi and 3G that will send data back to any network connection, for $20/day. These loggers provide the necessary LAeq and statistical parameters and are effective in an urban environment. They are limited for rural applications due to having a noise floor of down to 35 dB (A). Palmer Acoustics are currently working to develop these loggers to upload data to a cloud map so that if sufficient loggers were located in one area (say 100 around an airport) noise maps with 5-minute updates could be generated and viewed by clients. This has application around airports to observe the changes in the level of noise over time. For enquirers contact Ross Palmer at Palmer Acoustics on Ph +61 41188 3113.
Noise Measurement